What is a good measure of Employee Engagement with the organisation?

Employees are engaged with many aspects of their working lives – with their work colleagues, their managers, their clients, their communities, but also, their organisation overall.

BPA sees employee engagement with ‘the organisation overall’ as the extent to which they experience the organisation in a positive way.

With over 700,000 employee responses to this question, we find that:

  • 1 in 5 employees are 100% engaged with their organisation overall.

  • Another 1 in 5 employees are 0% engaged (yes, zero) with their organisation overall, but stay because they are engaged with other aspects of their work (e.g. their colleagues, their managers, their clients).

  • The remaining 3 in 5 employees are partially engaged (to a greater or lesser extent).

Stay tuned for BPA’s next post, where we will unpack what factors contribute to a great level of employee engagement with the organisation!