Why do some employees blame Executive for everything?

An organisation’s Culture is the collection of each employee’s “jumble of mental maps” about working life in their organisation.

One example of an employee mental map is “Trust in Executive”.

Employees who never have any contact with Executive have 40% less trust in them than employees who have regular contact.

Employees who only have occasional contact are in-between with 23% less trust.

So, level of contact seems to be a good predictor of Trust in Executive.

The take-out is “If you want to increase trust, then get visible”.


The logic of this is probably somewhat ‘tribal’.

If you are not visible to employees you’re outside their group, you’re “one of them” in the “us and them” mental map, and so it’s a lot easier to de-humanise opinions about you and blame you for everything.

If you are visible to employees, they get to see you as a human being. This seems to reduce the amount of generalised de-humanised blaming that gets thrown around.